Thursday, July 1, 2010

I was so wrong.

I used to tell people that my dream non-college, blue-collar job was to be a taxidermist, but umm, NO. The Evolution Store sells taxidemist products and other animal by-products, and just browsing through makes me want to vomit.

Their entire store is full of stuff like this. They also have penis bones(?!) and sharks in jars. This is totally not my cup of tea, but if that's what you're into...

Dark Tricolor Brindle Cowhide
The nice thing about this store, versus IKEA is that IKEA just has a random selection of cowhides, but here you can specify the color and the texture.

The only safe categories to browse: rugs, decor, and posters. The posters are very similar to the old-school prints of flora and fauna that you can find in really old books, which is pretty freaking cool. If I can't find any old books to ravage, these are an already-matched solution.

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