Saturday, July 24, 2010

Crate and Barrel Sofa reviews

I was pretty sure I was going to purchase the Room and Board Andre sofa, and this afternoon I was going to walk over to sit on it one last time before pulling the trigger. Unfortunately, the Room and Board store had flooded in Friday's torrential rains, so I went to the Crate & Barrel instead, to check out the Petrie sofa.

As it turns out, the Petrie sofa kind of sucks massively. Like, the cushions are pretty squishy and understuffed (in my opinion), so once you've sat down, you sink into the sofa a lot, and there's pretty much no back support.

I also checked out the Vaughn sofa, and it wasn't that much better. The fabric is this absolutely wonderful shade of gray, but the cushions are similarly understuffed, and the depth of the seat is such that the length of my legs make it impossible for me to comfortably sit on the Vaughn.

The Hennessy sofa is kind of nice in that it is squishy without giving up back support, but the colors that it's offered in are quite nasty. They look ok online, but in person, they're really quite terribly.

The Cameron sofa was quite firm, which was nice, but unfortunately, the depth of the seat was too large, and it was impossible for me to simultaneously lean against the back and bend my knees. Legs - useful for walking and filtering sofa choices.

And this is the sofa I got. The Crate and Barrel Camden Sofa, in Azure. It's incredibly firm, with a seat that's not too deep, and the blue color is really pretty in real life. I bought the 69 inch one instead of the 80 inch one, since my studio is itty-bitty. Also, this sofa can comfortably fit 3.

I'm a bit worried about the legs, since they don't screw off like many of the other C&B sofas, and I read somewhere that the legs sometimes make it impossible for the sofa to fit into the elevator or through your apartment door. We shall see.

Also, the legs are this kind of really dark brown/black, and I don't think it'll match anything else in the apartment. Oh well. We're talking about four bits of colored wood underneath the sofa. What are the chances that anyone will notice??


  1. hello! how do you like this sofa after about 1 year?

  2. Post if you still like this furniture!
